Perfumer’s Notes



From time to time one finds a producer of the highest quality oils and raw materials, as well as your base materials for perfuming. When you realize you have found a master in the craft who's work can ultimately reflect your own, you realize you have discovered a...

Aromatics and magic

Aromatics and magic

The use of essential oils in magic began prior to their distillation by means of the alchemists retort and alembic. The distillation of essential oils came long after the the use of aromatic plants and their use in vegetable oil and animal fats. Aromatic unguents and...

Dunes and Oud

Dunes and Oud

I come from a place of dunes... Vast far reaching sand dunes dotted with small lakes and islands of trees and the abrupt shift into ocean. I grew up on the Oregon coast. The sand dunes there go for hundreds of miles. Creating one of the most fascinating and unique...

Orphic Mysteries…

Orphic Mysteries…

This perfectly sums up my perfumes... And is why I choose to call my buisness the house of Orpheus... Perhaps a signature perfume called Orphic will be in the works... My goal as well is to go beyond the ordinary understanding of perfume itself. It is an art form. Art...

Welcome to The House of Orpheus

Welcome to The House of Orpheus

  Its been a long time in the development of this perfume house and I am so very excited to release the website. A special thanks to my beautiful and supportive partner Catamara for all the work she has done to help get this buisness going, as well as all of my...