Perfumer’s Notes
The Cultus of La Sirena: Perfume created by spirits for spirits
La Sirena altar, and chonta staff, worked with in cleansing and the removal of love magic. 17 years ago while working with the South American visionary snuff known as Vilca I was floored with what was one of the strongest experiences I had had to date...
Orphic Compounded Incense
The Orphic hymns of old Greece were evocations and praise to the gods and spirits of the ancient Greek world. The shamanic like figure who wrote them added an incense to be burned as an offering to each. The burning of incense in the Greek world became huge as...
Perfume and magic class
If you have read some of Marcus McCoys articles on lines you know he is madly in love with the esoteric use of perfume. For those that wish to explore that mystery with him deeper he will be offering a teleconference class March...
Custom scents, archetypal masks
Liminal perfumes are akin to a mask one wear's in a sacred ceremony. The mask shapes our identity, transforms us, they act like an antenna for mysterious forces that can work through us, that we can be for that liminal time. Like the shaman or priest that wears the...
CaFleureBon article on talismanic perfuming.
Recently I've been asked to start writing for the perfume blog Cafleurebon... I've attempted to keep the articles focused and rather educational relating to the more esoteric aspects of perfuming. I will cross post the links here on this blog so that subscribers here...
Cunning man, new bottles and Profiles of American Perfumers in CaFleureBon!
I'm proud to say I've been added to the Profiles of American Perfumers at CaFleureBon. It's quite the honor! Around this time I've had another interview with a web site called holy monsters, we've had an amazing chocolate, aphrodisiac, and perfume salon, made new...
Perfume and magic: What does this one do?
The history of perfumes use in folk magic traditions and spiritism is a fascinating one. One that I think needs to be looked at a little closer if people are to understand its use today. Today some perfumes are specifically made and marketed to the folk magic...
Fragrance daily interview and review of Marcus McCoy perfumer and owner of House of Orpheus
Fragrance daily and house of Orpheus came together via perfume blogger Aldous Thoreau. The interview and review of all of our perfumes was very thoughtful and beautifully said. I'm extremely grateful for such a kind article about my work. Read the interview here!...
From time to time one finds a producer of the highest quality oils and raw materials, as well as your base materials for perfuming. When you realize you have found a master in the craft who's work can ultimately reflect your own, you realize you have discovered a...